10 SEO Tips to Improve Your Ranking, Post Penguin Updates
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The year 2012 has been proved to be the most crucial time for the world of Search Engine Optimization. The fundamentals of SEO have changed drastically over the last year with the arrival of new algorithm like penguin and panda updates from Google. Consequently, methods and tactics of the SEO have also been changed in a remarkable manner. Today, job of a SEO executive has become far tougher job if he/she is not well acquainted with the recent techniques. So, it has become pertinent to have excellent knowledge on the efficient SEO method and tips to rank high consistently.
Difference between SEO techniques of earlier years and today:
Old Tactics
New Tactics
Use one keyword again and again
Variation of keyword is important
Link Exchange
It was profitable
It’s better to avoid
On page content was everything
Offsite content has great importance
H1 Tags
It had great significance
It does not matter much
Only SEO
Social SEO or SMO (Search Media Optimization)
Following are the most effective SEO tips and tactics for recent year:
Get a Domain with good name and Website Design should be creative.
Website should be accessible in various formats like computer, Mobile, Tablets and different web browsers.
Create attractive and enhancing Meta tag description and titles.
Do research on Keywords (You can take help from “Google Adword Keyword Research Tool“).
Try to use Key Phrase in the URL of the web pages.
Content is King of every website. Create fresh, quality and unique content.
Make sure to use only quality back links in your website.
Comments on blog and forum participation can be the great ways to drive traffic to your site.
Get Social by using popular social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogging site, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, etc.
Make use of videos and images to draw attentions of the web users.
And finally, rank high, get traffic and have a great going!