Tips to Choose a Good Domain Name after Google’s EMD Update
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Domain name plays a vital role in establishing a brand name and successful business. In true sense, domain names are the real estates of the online world. Just as a right location is an advantage for a brick and mortar shop, a good domain name is cornerstone for the success of online business. There are plenty of tips are available over internet about the guidelines to choose a perfect domain name for business success. But, here you can get insight into the tips and strategies to choose a good name after the release of EMD (Exact Match Domain) updates.
Business owners should pick the best domain name to rank high with noticeably lesser efforts. On the other hand, a bad or poor named domain can be the main cause for the failure for SEO ranking of the site. Therefore, no one can ignore the importance of the domain name while registering it. Sometimes, webmasters do mistakes in selecting the name due to lack of awareness and understanding the importance of it.
How to choose the good domain name?
It should be precise, attractive and meaningful.
Domain name has huge potential to create brand name of your business. So, it should be always crisp, easy to remember and a name that reflects your business.
Get the Generic Top Level Domains (.com, .org, .net, .info) if your business targets global audience.
Otherwise for country specific business, Country Code Top Level Domains (, co. in, .del) are best options.
After EMD updates, it is better to avoid keyword specific hyphenated mulch-name domain, which are rich in keywords.
Get the absolutely unique domain name, which is an added advantage for SEO use in the world of EMD (Exact Match Domain) update.
Try to include only one keyword in the name to avoid Google penalty.
It is wise to register domain for a period of 5 years and more for better SEO results. Domain registered for a period of only 1 year is considered to be spam by Google.